Blogue de l’Événement Carrières
Advantages at work: a new motivational lever?
Par l’Événement Carrières
What if we rethink work a bit, through the lens of benefits? How do we think about the place of work for employees? The rapid upheaval of working conditions during the pandemic has provided an opportunity to think about how the work environment can be adapted to provide new benefits for employees: work-life balance.

Teleworking example
The generalization of teleworking and the flexibility of schedules transforms the place of your job in your personal life: it is necessary to review the space of the home, to adapt the spaces according to the schedule, but it allows more flexibility and to save time on commuting, even to make savings.
Indeed, teleworking quickly became a necessity during the pandemic to allow companies to continue their activity. Workers adapted quickly to this model, which was developing very slowly before.
The question of the installation and the equipment was quickly raised: how to organize one’s home with one’s workstation. Do you have to dedicate a room to it if it is possible? Or should you integrate your office into your living space and live with it on a daily basis?
It is also necessary to equip oneself with good equipment in order to avoid back problems and chronic pain linked to bad posture. Some companies offer teleworking bonuses in order to be properly equipped and to always have the right equipment. In addition, it is important to maintain a social link and to watch over one’s mental health.
Teleworking from home offers more flexibility, comfort and usually saves time and money on transportation.
On the other hand, teleworking is a solution for many, but is not possible for all, so how do you best fit the job to your personal aspirations? How do you balance the two? Does adding days off, more flexibility in scheduling, taking on a sports activity or even team building activities make a difference?
Flexible working hours
There is always a colleague who arrives at the office at the earliest hour and the one who arrives as late as possible! Why not adapt your schedule according to your abilities to optimize your performance?
Flexible schedules are developing in many sectors: the 4-day week or even the freedom to manage your schedule over the week with a time bank.
It is a solution that requires trust between the actors, but also a certain autonomy of the employees and a good organization of the work.
Team motivation
You can offer one team activity per season to allow everyone to get together in a less formal setting, or even to rub shoulders with colleagues who are not in the same department and who don’t often cross paths!
It is always possible to take the time for a team dinner or even to plan a few surprises for your employees after a difficult period, or to encourage them!
An employee who is in good shape, happy to be back with his or her team, stimulated by his or her tasks, will perform better and will try to do better for your company.
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